Hey everybody! How's it going? We took a little Summer break to hang out in the shade, listen to lots of new music, and get our energy renewed. We have a bunch of songs that we have been crafting and really want you to hear them! Melodies now need to be set to words and feelings and colors we envision reacting to the whole sound of the music will be evoked by guitars. In the meantime we have some tidbits that we cooked up on the side. Maybe one day we'll gather all of them for a main course, something like Aoeria's Jam Stew. Here's one from last Saturday, August 25th that you can have a mp3 of follow this link. Enjoy!
July & August Update (late posting)
Here's some pictures from the mixing and mastering sessions for Praise to All You Hear. Both can be saved our view in full size, click either or right click and save as.
Here's a picture of the Studer a820 tape recorder in action mixing & mastering Praise to All You Hear. We also did Waterwheel with it. There aren't many of these around, especially looking and sounding so pretty. We were lucky to have Kim Stallings from Sony Studios take care of it. Thanks Kim!
Here's of when we mixed Praise to All You Hear. The device you see is a Mu-Tron Bi-Phase from the 70s, used to gently massage the sounds in a swirling array, much like the colors on the screen
And a special giveaway anniversary celebration!
It was two years ago today that Praise to All You Hear came out to play. We would like to say from us to you, thank you for all that you do. May the music rise to meet you, and to thine own self sky blue.
Here's a pic of the album with all the panels that go inside. We have two copies of the album with handwritten song titles and cover, email aoeria@aoeria.com if you'd like one. Thanks for listing to Aoeria!!! Frank

July 13, '12 New Interview
Here's an interview we did with Vents Magazine a few months before the one we posted from ProjectFresh. It has info about the idea of the band, our musicial inspirations, funny hypothetical questions, and a few new pics. Enjoy!